South African Schools benefit from SWHs installation


Selected Energy 

Solar water heater (SWH) solutions firm Selected Energy has installed solar energy systems at two schools, which will ensure students have access to hot water regardless of unreliable power supply.

In Bloemfontein, some 26 Solahart geysers were installed at the Martie du Plessis School for special needs students. The SWHs are expected to pay for themselves within three years, while a 300 ℓ SWH was donated to the Save the Children Fund (SCF) centre, in Tjakastad, Mpumalanga.

The Martie du Plessis School was established in 1985 and it requested an SWH that would provide sufficient hot water to its three boarding houses and nine flats, the former accommodating about 150 students and the latter school personnel. During the first phase, 21 systems delivering a total of 6 069 ℓ/d of hot water were installed at the boarding houses. An additional five, catering for the needs of the school’s personnel, followed as part of the second phase.

According to Selected Energy dealer Piet van den Berg, the total installation saves more than 50% of the original percentage kilowatt consumption a year; at current electricity prices, this is sufficient to pay for the system in three years.
Ensuring access to hot water all year round was also the intention behind Selected Energy’s donation of a 300 ℓ Solahart SWH, in Tjakastad, where SCF has been lending a hand to many communities for the past 60 years.
The 300 ℓ SWH installed at the centre will have a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most and make their everyday lives a bit easier, said Selected Energy MD Jim Hickey.
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