Joining the Africa Sustainable Energy Association of is an investment in the renewable energy community! Members are professionals who understand that when their business prospers, the Africa Energy Industry benefits. Many of our members lend their talents, time and resources to tackle important business and community development issues that impact the future of energy in Africa.
AFSEA is an independent organisation with wide interdisciplinary interests and exposure through a non-aligned association with multidisciplinary activities and membership, with the capacity to link all major sectors in the renewable energy communities and, thereby, to provide:
* Impartial and balanced views to government and others when called upon to do so, and multidisciplinary teams of experts when required for specific projects or activities.
Professional Recognition & Status: Gives you credibility by belonging to a professional body.
You can display your status as an association professional in your place of business, on your website, on your business card and in business directories. It reassures customers that you are a qualified professional.
Networking: Through association with key personnel and organisations in a wide variety of scientific, engineering, technical, financial, academic and government-linked disciplines throughout the fossil fuel and energy industries in Africa. Networking is also important to gain a broader perspective of both macro and micro economic and industry trends. It gives you a sense of not being alone out there and having the support and camaraderie of your fellow members.
Public Awareness: The association actively promotes awareness and recognition of the status of professional members to Government, public and business communities.
Exposure is via press, media, exhibitions and association website.
Listings for members in trade and consumer directories.
Maintenance of competitive edge: Through conferences and associated events, seminars, courses, special lectures, meetings with overseas specialists, policy developments and research and development projects.
Information: Stay up-to-date with your profession. The association provides you with information on the industry through leading edge material contained in publications, including conference volumes, special subject publications and notifications and documentation from national and international organizations.
Communication: through newsletters, websites, associated links and the circulation of notifications through the association’s extensive database.
Representation: Through membership of the association on other national and international professional bodies, councils and associations, and through the participation and/or contribution of individual members on government-lead national and international initiatives, project teams, policy and strategy boards and related activities.
International coverage: Through globally spread membership of the association, links to a number of international organisations and through regional and international correspondents and associates in far distant shores.
Member Discounts: The association negotiates discounts and special offers for members on events and conferences organised by the Institute and by third parties with similar objectives.
Platinum Category R7,000.00 (plus applicable taxes) Per Year
Info E-Mails highlighting Green Issues
Participation in Forums and Discussions
Access to training institutes/seta’s/associations and labour organisations
Tender Alerts
Access to ombudsman service
Membership certificate
Membership logos for vehicles and shop fronts
Access to Published Manufacturers requiring local Agents/Distributors
Negotiated Discounts on Exhibition Stands and Conferences
A listing in the website membership directory, which is a valuable reference tool, as
well as a marketing tool
Collaboration on special projects
Have access to speaker Bureau
Sub Web Page, free Setup and Maintenance, link to Website
Display AFSEA logo on Website and Stationery
Can use the title MAFSEA after your name
Featured logo with link to your website on association website and newsletters
to a highly qualified, targeted audience
Gold Member R5000.00 (plus applicable taxes) Per Year
Info E-Mails highlighting Green Issues
Participation in Forums and Discussions
Access to training institutes/seta’s/associations and labour organisations
Tender Alerts
Access to ombudsman service
Membership certificate
Membership logos for vehicles and shop fronts
Access to Published Manufacturers requiring local Agents/Distributors
Negotiated Discounts on Exhibition Stands and Conferences
A listing in the website membership directory, which is a valuable reference tool, as
well as a marketing tool
Collaboration on special projects
Sub Web Page, free Setup and Maintenance, link to Website
Display AFSEA logo on Website and Stationary
Can use the title MAFSEA after your name
Featured logo with link to your website on association website and newsletters
to a highly qualified, targeted audience.
Silver Category – R3,500.00 (plus applicable taxes) Per Year
Info E-Mails highlighting Green Issues
Participation in Forums and Discussions
Access to training institutes/seta’s/associations and labour organisations
Membership certificate
Membership logos for vehicles and shop fronts
Access to Published Manufacturers requiring local Agents/Distributors
Negotiated Discounts on Exhibition Stands and Conferences
A listing in the website membership directory which is a valuable reference tool, as well as a marketing tool
Display AFSEA logo on Website and Stationary
Logo with link to your website on association website and newsletters
to a highly qualified, targeted audience.
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