RE-USE 2010: 2-day Resource Efficiency and Sustainability Conference


Realise Cleaner Production Potential
Establish Resource Savings Programmes
Understand the Process
Save Energy, Raw Materials and the Environment
Enhance Profits

South Africa is not only facing an expensive energy future, but also an uncertain fresh water supply and an increasing waste management problem. Globally we have crossed environmental boundaries, some irrevocably and in others we are teetering on the edge of disaster. Clearly there is a need for responsible resource management by companies as well as open discussion of ways to integrate preventative strategies in order to
  • minimise the production of waste and pollution
  • maximise the use of resources
  • stay economically viable
Technological developments in the field of resource efficiency are orientated towards the production process and installation changes to reduce waste and emissions to land, air and water. They range from minor changes that can be implemented at low cost to the complete changeover of the process. Furthermore, resource efficiency extends to thinking creatively about what you need and where you can get it, such as the trade of by-products. The recovery of heat and water in the production process and reintroducing these streams back into the originating process goes even further in the efficiency of the operation and ultimately makes business sense as the operating costs are reduced.
The conference will equip participants with the tools to identify opportunities within their own businesses – whether they are commercial or industrial – that would enable them to become economically and ecologically efficient. The overall objective of the conference is to promote cleaner production and the efficient use of resources.
Resource Efficiency Examples:
  • SAB Miller Durban: Waste sludge in effluent balance tanks was tested and found to be suitable for a fertilizer-type additive in compost. The sludge is residue from the malted barley, hops and yeast and was previously removed from the brewery 3 times a week and disposed of to landfill. As the sludge is now being reused as a source of nutrients for agricultural soil, it’s removal as waste has reduced to once a week, resulting in savings of approximately US39 000 a year.
  • Mercedes Benz SA’s East London manufacturing plant has achieved an international target milestone though the use of energy-efficient lighting and solar water heating, the re-use of pre-conditioned air, the optimization of process temperature parameters, insulation improvements, optimising plant operating and shutdown times, the implementation of energy-efficient equipment, and the optimisation of compressed air systems.
  • In the food industry, many heat recovery systems take waste heat from ovens and convert the energy into useful forms of energy such as boiler feed water, hot water for wash down and warm air ventilation. Often the recovered energy can be an efficient substitute for expensively generated steam.
Please click here to download the delegate registration form or register online on our website

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