RE Events..Overseas


Solar Power Europe 2011

16-17 February 2011, London, UK
In domino-like fashion, European governments are revising their feed-in tariff (FiT) schemes and permitting procedures in 2010, to keep pace with PV’s rapid technology advances and its declining costs.
Stakeholders are waiting to see which technologies will really take off and who will become the major players in merging European solar markets. First movers are generally thought to garner fairly robust advantages over later entrants.In April 2010 the UK solar PV Feed in Tariff, also known as the ‘Clean Energy Cashback Scheme’ came into force. Thus, domestic and international solar companies are poised for a dramatic increase in activity in the UK solar sector. On the other end of the continent, the Turkish parliament is set to bolster their renewable energy legislation this summer. Boasting high insolation values, a large population and a rapidly growing demand for energy, Turkey is set to become a major solar market.
To understand:
  • Challenges in the shifting regulatory environment, post ARRA funding/finance setting, and challenges with customer resistance
  • Incorporating techniques to shift consumer behavior through PR & Marketing, education, training, and demand response incentives
  • How to identify new customers and services for your existing smart grid assets
  • How to share challenges, lessons, and insight with colleagues facing the mainstreaming of Smart Grid Architecture
  • How to locate new work groups, forums, and associations that can guide your business strategy and connections
  • Leveraging Federal and State Regulatory Conditions
  • What does Venture Capital have to say about Future Proofing the industry
  • HR and Job training for a “Smart” workforce

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