The sun is not free for all.

iol news pic the sun nov 29

A Spanish woman has legally registered the sun as her property, and wants to charge everyone on Earth for using it.

A Spanish woman has legally registered the sun as her property, and wants to charge everyone on Earth for “using” it.
Angeles Duran, 49, has been issued with a title deed from lawyers in Galicia.
It states she is “owner of the sun, a star of spectral type G2, located in the centre of the solar system”.
She said: “There is an international agreement which states that no country may claim ownership of a planet or star, but it says nothing about individuals.
“Anyone else could have done it – it simply occurred to me first. – Daily Mail

This “clever” lady is in for some massive lawsuits. She could be sued by anybody who gets sunburnt, contracts skin cancer, has to wear sunglasses to stop sun damage to eyes, etc. She is more stupid than she realises, and I hope her “clever” idea backfires big time.

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