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In order to ensure delivery of AFSEA’s vision and achievement of our member’s goals we have developed a strategic approach

While the world around us has changed dramatically since we started out, our goal has always been the same: championing our members and promote a future built on renewable energy and clean technology in Africa.

We do this by developing informed policy and advocating on behalf of our members to Governments in Africa.

We are a coalition built to be the voice for renewable energy and clean technology in the Conitenient.  re the largest renewable energy and associated clean technology body in Africa with over over 480 member organizations representing every type of renewable energy.

Members comprise generators, project developers, fuel producers and distributors, equipment manufacturers and distributors, installers and service providers, and range from major multinationals to sole traders. We empower our member companies to build commercially and environmentally sustainable businesses, by providing the latest information on policy updates, sector-specific insights, topical briefings, and industry-leading training/events.

In this fast-changing energy landscape and a climate emergency, there are a number of topics that are currently shaping the bigger picture. We’ve selected the most current areas to provide a comprehensive look at the resources, reports, and latest news you need to know about. These are the policies and areas of change that are required today to achieve the African government’s ambitions of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.