Gehrlicher Solar forms SA partnership to Mnf PV systems


German photovoltaic (PV) company Gehrlicher Solar said it has formed a South Africa-based joint venture with local investment firm Ikhwezi Investment Holdings, which will focus on building photovoltaic (PV) systems.

South African expansion

Located in East London, the new company will focus on the installation of photovoltaics (PV) systems in the country. Gehrlicher added that specific emphasis will be placed on constructing PV systems and selling the generated power to large and small energy consumers, including off-grid applications that provide power to commercial customers, households and rural electrification projects.

Kali Mabentsela, chairperson of the Ikhwezi Group commented: “This partnership has come at an excellent time. With South Africa experiencing frequent power shortages, Gehrlicher Ikhwezi (Pty) Ltd is well placed to provide green solutions to South Africa’s power challenges. Furthermore, it adds to East London becoming the ‘renewable energy hub’ of southern Africa.”

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