Co Generation with sugar cane trash.


    A recent comment on Linkedin by Graeme Rust from Eswatini Essential Oils (Swaziland), an agricultural entity with the development of sustainable agriculture as it cornerstone based on GAP and socially responsible developments.
    The key crop development will be on Indigenous plants grown organically in the Albrecht method of soil remediation.

    “Have you looked into sugarcane trash ?
    Swaziland is currently developing this system of co gen with EU backing and private investment to be able to feed power back into the grid from mills.
    We will be able to provide 80% plus of our own power and with estate expansions will start selling power to our neighbours.
    A a a rule of thumb 1ha of cane yielding 100tons will give the calorific value of 6 tons of coal.
    Currently we are developing a seperator to provide cleaner green cane to the mill and the trash to the co gen plant. Our current timeline is to begin final trials in December and be online in April 2011.
    Given RSA cane production area may be a great future for the farmers to add value to there crops and sustainability to the industry.”

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