UN has recommended the use of jatropha


The report published under the auspices of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains how the production of jatropha energy crop, exclusively for the manufacture of bio-diesel, profits the poor farmers living semi-dry and remote locations. The report further explains the fast growth of the Jatropha curcas plant in dry areas or in soils that are brackish, and suffered marginal erosion, unlike other bio-fuel crops such as maize, jatropha seeds are not used for consumption, and can be grown in sterile zones. 

The report states, that jatropha seeds can be processed into bio-diesel, to be used by destitute households for lighting lamps or cooking food and inhibits women from seeking out fuel wood and precludes pollution, and how the small farm holders, cooperative farms, workers in private enterprises and members of community plantation schemes can benefit by producing jatropha.

According to the details presented in the report during the year 2008 jatropha was planted in an estimated area of 900,000 ha worldwide, which includes 20,000 ha in Latin America, 120,000 ha in Africa and 760,000 hectares in Asia. The report anticipates an increase in the agricultural estate area to 12.8 million ha by the year 2015.

While enumerating the benefits of using jatropha as bio-fuel the report also indicates the investments required for the cultivation of jatropha and developing it into a viable commercial crop for use. 

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