State of our Environment Competition.


The African Carbon Trust and the Two Oceans Aquarium are announcing that there are only 10 days left to enter the State of our Environment Competition.

The competition calls for all South Africans to send in examples of environmental degradation in South Africa.
The idea is to create a visual citizens report of the impact of our society’s behaviour on our environment. It is easy to turn a blind eye to the unsustainability of our lifestyles because these issues don’t receive as much attention in the media as other issues. 

ACT and the Two Oceans Aquarium will identify some of the problems and work at facilitating solutions to these problems. The idea is not to focus on shock and horror – but to create a visual baseline of what we need to solve.
 The competition is closes 15 October 2009.
 Winners will be announced at the Launch of an Exhibition of the entries at the Two Oceans Aquarium.

Please send this to all who may be interested.

We look forward to receiving your entries!

Alexis Scholtz
Project Manager

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