Net Metering: An Overview (USA) of Model Standards and Policy Design Criteria



Over the past several years, procedures and policies surrounding permitting, inspection, interconnection, and net metering of distributed photovoltaic (PV)
systems have been the subject of extensive analysis and scrutiny, given their
substantial contribution to solar costs. This ongoing period of critical analysis has
produced a wide variety of process innovations and model standards capable of
streamlining processes for local governments and reducing solar PV costs. As a
member of the Colorado-based “Solar Friendly Communities” team under the
Rooftop Solar Challenge, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) has evaluated a
number of these standards, innovations, and policy design criteria and
developed some specific recommendations. This document surveys a subset of
existing permitting, interconnection, and net metering processes and is meant to
serve as an initial point of inquiry for interested local governments and
While several communities (including many in Colorado) already have leading
permitting, inspection, interconnection, and net metering standards in place, a
number of model standards and policy design criteria have been created that can
help guide jurisdictions looking to create new processes or change existing ones.
This document outlines several such standards and policy design criteria

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