Green Wave Energy’s World Light Pole


Harnessing solar and wind technologies to bring power to traditionally out-of-grid areas, Green Wave’s proprietary World Light Pole provides a completely self-sufficient alternative to light up places that are often in the dark: marinas, shipyards, campgrounds, beaches, hiking trails, farms, and other isolated and remote locations. It can be installed just about anywhere on the planet, providing “islands of safety” that will remain even if the power grid goes out.

Four 80-watt solar panels and our revolutionary Windsock™ wind turbine power the standard World Light Pole. It also includes a 1,200-watt maximum power permanent magnet generator and four deep-cycle batteries that by themselves can power the pole for eight days.

The standard World Light Pole contains a 50-watt, 4,500-lumen LED street light, but other options are available for use in parking lots, adjacent to freeways and runways, and other specific situations. An optional inverter with 1,000 watts of continuous power and 2,500 watts of maximum power is available to run and charge computers, cell phones, heaters, and other small appliances; larger and “pure sine wave” inverters are also available.

World Light Poles can be installed permanently or up and running within an hour or two on a temporary basis to assist in disaster relief or security situations. They’ve been built to withstand the most extreme weather conditions, providing light and power where it never was possible before, and reducing dependence on traditional electrical grids.

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