Feedback from Cameroon on Nigerian Alternative Energy Expo

With all respect and honours to the organizers, conceivers and achievers of such a prestigious event in terms of development impetus and meaning/consequences to life in relation to our planet earth. 

I visited the show /expo from Cameroon as a keen and devoted advocate of sustainable natural resources management scientist, for the socio economic development of the human population present and future generation. All my expectations were highly met and I was very satisfied. This can be realistic and be of positive impact to life if all the stakeholders hold up, to their various responsibilities and recommendations made.

Though the show was focusing on Nigeria, I am convinced that my contacts and discussion with the South African firms towards estending the business to Cameroon and CEMAC zone will be worthwhile and fruitful. I thank all of them for their cooperative and collaboration attitude toward me and wish we shall translate this to practical realities. This will ensure the successful implementation of the goals/objectives/policies of the South African government,DTI and the 8 edited suppliers.

The sector targeted are an intergral aspect of my programmes: Integrated Agricultural development programmes by Livestock Promotion Centre-Cameroon. To achieve standard humam welfare or good living conditions in the rural world as predicted by the promising millennium development goals of the United Nations, there is need for careful judicious and equitable distribution of wealth from exploitation of natural resources of each country or continent. Africa had witnessed a lot of conflicts, civil unrest, wars and famine due to the lack of sustainable managerial skills or inadequate attention to the dynamics of population growth and the availability of resources.

It was in this light, that Livestock Promotion Centre-Cameroon prescribes an integrated agricultural development approach with emphases on land use management scheme to derive the necessary satisfaction from the ever not growing land by the ever growing population. All human development activities on land should be carefully planned to suite its size and ecology. All technological developments should be selected to suite local realities and adaptable to ensure reusability by the coming generation. Thus renewable energy forms an important part of livestock Promotion Centre-Cameroon.

With much thanks and prayers of God’s blessings to the South African government, the Nigerian government, NNPC, Bank of Industry Nigeria, Mathesis consulting UK, the South African Alternative Energy Association and the 8 South African Renewable Energy companies and all who in one way or the other made this EXPO a successful one.

Nfor Mathias Tankfu 

Livestock Promotion Centre-Cameroon.
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