Country Comparison Costs of Solar Water Heaters


Country Comparison Costs of Solar Water Heaters

Costs and payback periods assuming a household electricity savings of 140 kW.h/month due to SWH (using 2010 data)
Country Currency System cost Subsidy(%) Effective cost Electricity cost/kW.h Electricity savings/month Payback period(y)
 Australia $Aus 5000[46] 40[47] 3000 0.18[48] 25 9.9
 Belgium Euro 4000[49] 50[50] 2000 0.1[51] 14 11.9
 Brazil Real 2500[52] 0 2500 0.25 35 6.0
 South Africa ZA Rand 14000 15[53] 11900 0.9 126 7.9
 United Kingdom UK Pound 4000[54] 10[55] 3600 0.11[56] 15.4 19.4
 United States US$ 5000[57] 30[58] 3500 0.10[57] 14 20.8

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